Porsche is getting ready to launch its first ever fully electric vehicle, and while most manufacturers decided to go for a crossover as their similar models, the 911-maker went for a sportier sedan.
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Porsche Mission E SpiedPorsche Mission E SpiedPorsche Mission E SpiedPorsche Mission E Spied
It was a tough choice, but Porsche might have made the correct one. Everyone expects a sports car from a company with its reputation, but making a battery-powered 911 (or equivalent) would have been too risky. That model is way too close to the brand's ethos, so it needs to be handled with care.

A sedan with a sporty, almost coupe-like appearance is sporty enough to fall within the general Porsche guidelines as seen by the public, but also un-Porsche-like to the extent where it won't be perceived as a threat by the more hardcore enthusiasts.

But discussing the Zuffenhausen-based manufacturer's decision now is pointless since the Mission E is coming, and it's coming fast. With Tesla dominating the segment right now both in sales and performance, it was only natural for Porsche to pick the American EV-maker as its target, but you can't openly admit to that since it would automatically put you in an inferior position.

Well, talking to Autoblog, Stefan Weckbach - the Vice President of Product Line BEV at Porsche - did just that.

“(Tesla’s) system is throttled. Porsche drivers won’t need to worry about that because the Mission E’s being developed to deliver reproducible performance and a top speed which can be maintained for long periods.” That's something EVs need to do if they ever plan to become as viable for performance driving as ICE vehicles.

Tesla was indeed limiting the number of Ludicrous Mode launches for its vehicles in an attempt to protect the battery pack and the rest of the powertrain components, but it eventually had to give in to public pressure and lift the restriction. Instead, it only displays a warning which forces the user to acknowledge repeated use of the feature might damage their vehicle.

However, what people expect from Porsche isn't to beat Tesla in a drag race, but run rings around it on a track. Given Porsche's DNA, its cars need to handle themselves in a corner or two - or even 1,000. It won't be the end of the world if the Mission E doesn't drop under three seconds for the 0-60 mph acceleration, but it will be if it's a sluggish machine that lacks nimbleness.

Weckbach also talked about other features of the Mission E, revealing it won't make use of fake sounds to recreate the atmosphere inside an ICE - thank god - and that it would feature a 100-liter "frunk," despite the front of the sedan containing "lots of high-tech gear."